Designs by Me

Making site mobile friendly responsive

"Internship" - During my internship at Hunter Creative Group the assigned project I was given was to make the DJs Metal Art website with older code responsive and mobile friendly for a client that was committed and happy with their website's design. I converted the older code to HTML5 and CSS. Making it responsive and fluid with media queries. The above pictures link to what the site was before and the responsive site that is now being used by the client. Please click and check out the similarities in design yet responsiveness now in the new design.

WordPress Blog Site Administration

HobbyHub WordPress Blog Site

"Web Administration Site" - is a WordPress blog created and maintained by a group of us in the web administration site class. It provides us with WordPress and various plugins experience to improve our site's format, usability, and Google analytics tracking. As well as learning and practicing blogging skills.


meme project The brightest in the Box is so Limiting

"Web layouts" - One of my favorite projects required the creation of a humorous meme using two images with two background colors and text altered using Adobe Photoshop. I enjoyed doing this project and the outcome of my efforts.

HTML5 Canvas Drawing & Animations

mastery assignment

"Multimedia for Web Design" - For a mastery assessment that required having one animated object, at least one image, and at least two drawn objects to illustrate HTML5 Canvas skills. The image is what I created click photo to see the functional assignment in HTML5 Canvas that shows the animation of the butterfly in action. (This doesn't work in the Firefox browser so to view use another browser)

HTML5 Canvas Drawing

Image of head or face

"Multimedia for Web Design" - Created a design using at least 5-7 shapes creating a picture when complete. The image of the head is the image I created